
Schritt für Schritt Anleitung zum erfolgreichen Anbau von Chilis im eigenen Garten

Step-by-step instructions for successfully grow...

Growing chillies in your own backyard can be a fun and rewarding experience. Chilies are relatively easy to grow and there are many different types to choose from depending on...

Step-by-step instructions for successfully grow...

Growing chillies in your own backyard can be a fun and rewarding experience. Chilies are relatively easy to grow and there are many different types to choose from depending on...

The Habanero chilli: A spiciness bomb with a fr...

The habanero chili is one of the hottest and best-known chili varieties in the world. With a degree of spiciness of 100,000 to 350,000 Scoville (unit for measuring the degree...

The Habanero chilli: A spiciness bomb with a fr...

The habanero chili is one of the hottest and best-known chili varieties in the world. With a degree of spiciness of 100,000 to 350,000 Scoville (unit for measuring the degree...

Capsaicin: The substance responsible for the sp...

Capsaicin is a natural substance that occurs in chilies and is responsible for their heat. It was first described in 1816 by the pharmacologist Willem Hendrik Peters. It is a...

Capsaicin: The substance responsible for the sp...

Capsaicin is a natural substance that occurs in chilies and is responsible for their heat. It was first described in 1816 by the pharmacologist Willem Hendrik Peters. It is a...

Ed Currie: The man behind the Carolina Reaper, ...

Ed Currie is the man behind the Carolina Reaper, the world's hottest chili. Currie, who lives in South Carolina, grew the chilli variety in his own garden and had it...

Ed Currie: The man behind the Carolina Reaper, ...

Ed Currie is the man behind the Carolina Reaper, the world's hottest chili. Currie, who lives in South Carolina, grew the chilli variety in his own garden and had it...

Chili Hotness: How It's Measured and What It Means

The hotness of chillies is an important aspect that influences the selection and use of chili varieties. The spiciness is usually determined by the capsaicin content, a substance that occurs...

Chili Hotness: How It's Measured and What It Means

The hotness of chillies is an important aspect that influences the selection and use of chili varieties. The spiciness is usually determined by the capsaicin content, a substance that occurs...

Wie man Chili-Samen richtig keimen lässt: Eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung mit Verwendung von Camillen Tee

How to Properly Germinate Chili Seeds: A Step-b...

Germinating chilli seeds is the first step in growing chillies. However, getting the seeds to germinate properly can be a challenge. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to successfully...

How to Properly Germinate Chili Seeds: A Step-b...

Germinating chilli seeds is the first step in growing chillies. However, getting the seeds to germinate properly can be a challenge. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to successfully...