Collection: Numex

Numex chili seeds: The basis for your own spicy oasis!

Welcome to the exciting world of Numex chili seeds, the starting point for your personal chili harvest! Here with us you will find high-quality Numex chili seeds that enable you to grow and care for your own spicy treasures.

Numex chili seeds: The fascination of growing yourself

The Numex chili seeds come from the renowned chili breeder and have a wide range of varieties to offer. Whether you're looking for mild and fruity chilies or the hottest chilies, our collection includes a variety of choices that will satisfy your preferences and culinary needs.

From sowing to harvest: your chili journey begins here

Our Numex chili seeds have been carefully selected and treated to ensure optimal germination and successful growth. Whether you are an experienced gardener or a newbie to growing chili peppers, our seeds are user-friendly and will allow you to successfully grow your chili plants.

Discover the variety of Numex chilies

The Numex chili seed collection offers you an exciting range of tastes, colors and levels of spiciness. From classic jalapeños to exotic habaneros, our seeds guarantee you a culinary adventure in your own kitchen or garden. Experience the pride and fulfillment of accompanying your chilies from sowing to harvest.

Why buy Numex chili seeds?

By purchasing our Numex chili seeds, you not only get the opportunity to grow your favorite chilies yourself, but you can also control your harvest and use organic farming methods. With your own chili garden, you always have fresh chilies on hand to spice up your dishes with an individual touch.

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    5 tips for the perfect watering of chili plants...

    Chili plants are a popular choice for gardeners looking to add some spice to their garden. However, watering chili plants properly is crucial to their growth and fruiting. In this...

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